Lovage (Levisticum officinale: 6’ high x 1’6” wide / full sun to part shade / zone 4)


Product Description

Levisticum officinale: 6’ high x 1’6” wide / full sun to part shade / zone 4

This Eurasian native is a low-maintenance, clumping herb, known to some as perennial celery, to which it’s related.  It has a strong and distinctive celery-like flavour. We use the leaves in soups, stews, stir-fries and casseroles, and sometimes sparingly in salads.  They make a delicious soup base, and we dry the leaves to use out of season, too.  The seeds can be ground up and used as a spice, and taste much like the leaves.  The umbel-shaped flowers of this plant attract many beneficial insects.

Price: $4.00