Onion, Egyptian walking (Allium cepa proliferum: 2′ high x 1-2′ wide / full sun to part shade / zone 4)


Product Description

Allium cepa proliferum: 2′ high x 1-2′ wide / full sun to part shade / zone 4

These onions form ‘topsets’ or small bulbs at the top of the stalks in summer, which cause the stalk to fall over, where the bulbs take root to form new plants.  This is how they ‘walk’ around the garden.  The greens are among the first to pop up in spring, and can be chopped up into salads, soups, or anywhere a green onion would fit in.  The bulbs can be added to soups and stews, and need not be peeled when they’re still immature.

Price: $4.00